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  • Tired of Chasing Self-Improvement? Shed Excess Layers Instead

Tired of Chasing Self-Improvement? Shed Excess Layers Instead

Awakening is not changing who you are, but discarding who you are not.

Good morning! It is Thursday, 1/18/2024. Let’s talk about awakening.

Today’s Inspirational Quote

You know how as we grow up, we unconsciously take on certain identities, beliefs or behaviors just to fit in? Or we hide away parts of ourselves because we worry they aren't acceptable?

But an "awakening" can happen when we realize - hey, all this stuff I’m carrying around doesn’t serve me or make me happy. These false layers I’ve taken on over the years are not ME. An awakening is about shedding those layers, and revealing the you that’s always been there underneath it all.

The beautiful truth is that we don't have to change the essence of who we are in order to grow, evolve and improve our lives. We just have to peel away all the stuff that’s covering it up! All those limiting beliefs, difficult emotions, heavy baggage, roles we play - it’s time to release them.

As we lighten our load and clear away what’s not serving us anymore, we make more room for joy, creativity, love and all the good stuff. We align more with our soul's purpose. We gain more clarity about what makes us shine. We become more OURSELVES.

So next time you feel burdened or stuck in your life, consider this quote. Remember that growth comes not from struggling to change your innate nature, but from uncovering it. Awaken to who you truly are! I’m rooting for your beautiful, continued awakening...we all deserve to live as our authentic selves.

Today’s Positive Affirmation

Have a great day!

Morning Bliss Team