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Making Space for Growth: Insights on Attachment and Letting Go

If you love a flower, don’t pick it up.

Good morning! Today is Wednesday, 1/17/2024. Let’s learn the art of letting it be.

Today’s Positive Affirmation

Today’s Inspirational Quote

This simple yet profound quote by Osho can teach us a lot about love between people too. When we truly love someone, we shouldn't seek to control or restrict them, to bend them to our will and way of thinking or being. True love is about understanding, accepting, and appreciating someone just as they are.

Like a flower blossoming in the field, each person flourishes best when allowed to grow freely in their own way, to spread their petals and reach for the open sky. Some people are like wildflowers – beautiful yet independent, not thriving under too firm a hand. We must gently make space for our loved ones to bloom.

Interestingly, these insights on non-possessive love align with core Buddhist teachings. Buddha warns against clinging too tightly to that which is impermanent in nature – whether persons, ideas or things. He saw that suffering often arises from our panicked grasps to package the elusive and ever-changing into a bundle tight enough to keep.

Possessive love crushes the object of its affection, stunting its growth and suffocating its spirit. But an appreciative love provides fertile soil for each person’s unique beauty to blossom in its season.

So next time you spot a lovely flower in the field, remember – let it be! Consider how this lesson might bring more liberating love and joy into your relationships. By opening our hands in trust, we allow affection to find its own rhythm and shape.


Morning Bliss Team