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  • How to Ride Life's Gales Like a Skilled Sailor

How to Ride Life's Gales Like a Skilled Sailor

We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails.

Good morning! It is Saturday, 3/30/2024. Let’s learn to adjust our mindsets and strategies to navigate uncontrollable external forces.

Today’s Inspirational Quote

Many forces in life are simply beyond our control. No matter how much we may want to bend circumstances to our will, particular winds of change will blow as they may. This timeless wisdom reminds us that while we cannot dictate every situation, we can navigate by adjusting our approach.

The "wind" represents all the external conditions, obstacles, and curveballs that life inevitably throws our way. No individual has the power to control the economy, the weather, global events, or the actions of others. We are all subject to these impartial and uncontrollable forces. Steve Jobs experienced this first-hand when he was forced out of his own company Apple in 1985 - an upheaval beyond his control at the time.

However, we do have power in how we respond and adapt. The "sails" symbolize our mindset, behaviors, skills, and choices that allow us to capitalize on our conditions. By adjusting our sails, we can use the breath of the wind to propel us in the direction we intend to go. Rather than being demotivated by his ouster, Jobs adjusted by starting NeXT Computer and investing in Pixar. This allowed him to develop new skills until he could eventually return and reinvent Apple years later.

This principle applies to our professional and personal lives. We cannot control staff turnover, supply chain issues, family emergencies, or countless other events beyond our control. But we can adjust our leadership approach, reassess priorities, upskill our capabilities, and reset attitudes to align with new realities.

The winds of change will never stop blowing. But like a skilled sailor, those who adjust their sails with aplomb can stay on course and reach their intended destination through ever-evolving conditions.

Today’s Positive Affirmation

Today’s Blissful News

  • Ralph, a 98-year-old World War II veteran and Purple Heart recipient, continues to serve his community by volunteering as a Meals on Wheels driver once a week, delivering up to 18 meals to those in need around Marion County, Oregon. (More)

  • The European Union has become the first jurisdiction to pass comprehensive legislation regulating artificial intelligence, with the European Parliament overwhelmingly approving the Artificial Intelligence Act, which is expected to serve as a global model for other governments and ensure that AI technology remains human-centric and under human control while fostering economic growth and societal progress. (More)

  • A treasure hunter, discovered a 64.8-gram (2.3-ounce) gold nugget, believed to be the largest ever found in England, in the Shropshire Hills near the Welsh border despite his faulty metal detector, with the find, nicknamed Hiro's Nugget, estimated to be worth between £30,000 ($38,000) and £40,000 ($50,700) by auction house Mullock Jones. (More)

Today’s Bliss Booster

Write down three challenges you're currently facing in life. Then spend 10 minutes freewriting all the potential "sail adjustments" you could make to navigate each situation better.

Shift strategies, not destinations

Morning Bliss Team